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Take care of your Gattomon — play with it, feed it, and take it to Competitions, and in return, it will bring you Gifts filled with valuable resources.
The rewards you receive in Gifts depend on the Rarity of your Gattomon.
The higher the Mood and Satiety levels of your Gattomon, the better the Gifts it will bring you.
Satiety Level
Mood Level
Scale Growth
0 - 30
0 - 50
31 - 50
51 - 89
+2 points
51 - 89
51 - 89
+3 points
+5 points
Total: On average, you can collect around 20 Gifts per day from a single Gattomon.
Strong side
Provides increased Experience and drops any Essences, but almost never brings Gold Coins
In addition to in-game drops, Gifts may contain promo codes. These can be for anything — from subscriptions, discounts in online stores, and in-game bonuses to offline rewards.
You can check all available promo codes through the game bot using the command /rewards.
The validity period and number of uses for these promo codes are limited.
Brings only and , with a very small chance of dropping a Big Essence
Drops , a small amount of TON and a large amount of Gold Coins, but provides little Experience and cannot drop Essences at all
Brings Experience, Gold Coins, TON, $GTON, Big and Enormous Essences, and with a very small chance, Ordinary, Rare, and Mythical